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๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ You'll notice that right now our onboarding form isn't showing up at all. That's because someone made a typo... But errors like this could happen for any number of reasons (data issue, API version change, network error, etc.). So we should definitely handle errors in our app.
Let's start by wrapping our existing App component in an Error Boundary to handle any errors. We're going to have you use the FallbackComponent prop on the ErrorBoundary so we can define our own ErrorFallback component.
<ErrorBoundary FallbackComponent={ErrorFallback}>{/*...*/}</ErrorBoundary>
Right now we have an App component which we render using createRoot(rootEl).render(<App />), so to get our stuff wrapped properly, we'll rename our existing App component (call it OnboardingForm) and then make a new App which renders the ErrorBoundary around the OnboardingForm component along with our FallbackComponent called ErrorFallback (which you also have to create).
Get to it!
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    First Four Exercises are Free!
    Kent C. Dodds โ—† ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ†๐ŸŒŒ:
    To make sure this shows up in the fundamentals thread. Isn't it exciting the first four exercises of...
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