Other Errors

Loading "Other Errors"
👨‍💼 Recall previously we learned that React doesn't catch all errors for you. We've got an error in our onSubmit handler like this. If you try to submit the form, you'll notice in the console that there's an error (someone made a typo 😅). The error looks something like:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toUpperCase')
Before we fix the typo, we want to give the user better feedback for when something like this happens (right now, they don't know it's not working and that's terribly annoying). So what I want you to do is wrap that callback in our own try/catch and then surface it to React using the showBoundary function you get when you call the useErrorBoundary utility:
import { useErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary'

// ... in the component
const { showBoundary } = useErrorBoundary()

// ... in the `catch` block
So let's make that happen!