Default Props

Loading "Default Props"
👨‍💼 Sometimes you want to allow the user of your component to skip providing a prop and use a default value instead. To do this, we can use destructuring default values syntax, but when users of our component try to skip a prop, TypeScript will complain because our type says all the elements of the CalculatorProps type are required.
So when you make a prop optional, make sure you provide any relevant default value as well as mark it as optional using the optional properties syntax:
type User = { name: string; isCute?: boolean }
// name is required, isCute is optional, so these both compile:
const kody = { name: 'Kody', isCute: true }
const peter = { name: 'Peter' }
For this step, make all props optional. Default left and right to 0 and operator to '+'. Then you can update the App to test it out:
function App() {
	return (
			<Calculator left={1} right={2} />
			<Calculator operator="-" />
			<Calculator left={1} operator="*" />
			<Calculator operator="/" right={2} />

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