Custom Components

Just like in regular JavaScript, when you want to reuse code, you write functions. If you want to share JSX, you can do that as well. In React we call these functions "components" and they have some special properties.
Components are functions which accept an object called "props" and return something that is renderable (more React elements, strings, null, numbers, etc.). To be clear, this is the definition of a React component. That's all it is. So I'll say it again:
Components are functions which accept an object called "props" and return something that is renderable
Here's an example of that:
function Greeting(props) {
	return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>
Then that component can be used like this:
<Greeting name="World" />
Just like previous exercises, we're going to ease into this syntax so you have a solid foundational understanding of how this works.