Create React Elements

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Let's convert this to use React! But don't worry, we won't be doing any JSX just yet... You're going to use raw React APIs here.
In modern applications, you typically get React and React DOM files from a "package registry", like npm where packages we use are (react and react-dom).
A package registry is a centralized repository where developers can publish and share reusable code packages.
To keep things simple for these exercises, we'll import React from slightly different locations:
  • public/react.js (accessed at /react.js)
  • public/react-dom/client.js (accessed at /react-dom/client.js)
These files use a service called to provide the React packages.
Don't worry too much about for now - it's just helping us load React easily in these exercises.
Here's a simple example of how to use the React createElement API:
import { createElement } from '/react.js'
import { createRoot } from '/react-dom/client.js'

const elementProps = { id: 'element-id', children: 'Hello world!' }
const elementType = 'h1'
const reactElement = createElement(elementType, elementProps)

const root = createRoot(rootElement)
πŸ¦‰ As a reminder, in a typical application, your import will be something like
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
With that, a build tool or importmap will handle resolving that to the correct path.
The "props" in elementProps above is short for "properties". Props are a key concept in React - they're the way we pass data into our elements. You can think of the element type as a blueprint for the kind of React component to create, and the props are the inputs that customize that element.
children is a special prop in React. It represents the content inside an element. You have a few ways to specify children:
  1. As a prop (like in the first example above)
  2. As multiple arguments to createElement
  3. As an array
Here's an example showing the last two methods:
const elementProps = { id: 'element-id' }
const elementType = 'h1'

// Method 2: Multiple arguments
const reactElement1 = createElement(
	' ',

// Method 3: Array of children
const children = ['Hello', ' ', 'world!']
const reactElement2 = createElement(elementType, elementProps, children)

createRoot(rootElement).render(reactElement1) // or reactElement2
Alright! Let's put this into practice!
πŸ’° Tip: Use console.log(reactElement) to see what your created element looks like. You might find the structure interesting!

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